Friday, May 20, 2011

"I Wish for You a Beautiful Life" OR "What not to read while you're sitting on a plane in the middle seat b/w 2 strangers"

So I was traveling this week. I was on a plane in the middle seat, between two strangers (yes, you probably figured that out from the title) and I read " I Wish for You a Beautiful Life: Letters from the Korean Birth Mothers of Ae Ran Won to Their Children"

An AMAZING book that gave insight into some Korean culture, as well as reading some very raw emotions from Birth Mothers. Needless to say - I was SOBBING! In the middle seat. Between two strangers. Big UGLY cry that I was trying to keep silent and discreet. Of course, I'm sure I failed but the people on either side of me kindly ignored me.

I would HIGHLY recommend reading this if you are an adoptive parent. Honestly it's a great read for anyone that has an interest in adoption or Korean culture. I read the book in a very short period of time - maybe 2 hours? It didn't take long and it was very engrossing. But I would highly recommend tissues and privacy! Definitely makes for an easier read...


  1. LOL Bless your heart! Ahhhh yes, nothing like trying not to rub ugly cry snot all over the person next to you. Thanks for the book reccomendation, I think I will pick it up...and lock myself in the bathroom whilst I read it.

  2. I also thought this book was well worth the read. It gives you some insight into the birthmother's emotions. It took me a lot longer to read it though, I did it in bits as it made me cry so much. Have you read Once they Hear my Name? It's from the adoptee's perspective.

  3. It is a great book. And is it weird that I am jealous that you were on a plane by yourself? Oh to be somewhere without my kids........

  4. Elizabeth W - though it was a highly stressful and emotional trip (more on that later), I did enjoy that we had some time w/o kids! It's nice to have the opportunity to miss them once in a while. I'm so happy to be with them today! ;)

    Elizabeth - It would have taken me longer but time w/o kids and trapped on a plane w/nothing to do gave me a perfect opportunity, so instead I just balled my eyes out near 2 strangers. Ah well. I will probably re-read in the future.

  5. i reeeeeally want to read this! i know i am going to be a sobbing mess, too!

  6. I read your title on my blog list and thought "oh, she has lost it..." What a funny story! I wonder if there really is a thing called adoption hormones, you know like pregnancy hormones?!

    I'm adding that to my summer/pool reading.

  7. Yes, I think there must be adoption hormones! Never had pregnancy ones, but I was a sobbing mess throughout this whole process. And now that he's home, a bit better, but still crying a lot at anything with a kid/parent in it. Commercials, billboards. It's ridiculous. I totally want to read this, but will definitely have a giant box of tissues next to me!
