Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Learning Korean

I've started kicking it into gear with my Korean lessons. I have the Pimsleur Korean CDs and LOVE them. I'm learning a lot more this way than I did with Rosetta Stone. I also found a wonderful website - - an American Man is teaching Korean to other native English speakers in Korea and he has posted his lessons on the internet. It's a trial thing so they're only up for a few more days so if you're interested check it out. It's all about learning to read and write Korean which is helping me big time! You also learn the types of sounds a bit better. After I finish these two I may be ready to give Rosetta Stone a try since I'll have a bit more background.


  1. You could also try I've found they give you really useful vocabulary and it's very laidback. :)
    We also used Rosetta Stone and it gave us the best pronunciation of all the programs.

  2. So exciting to be learning the language. Hopefully you'll be able to use it soon!
